Advertising for a Position

University hiring departments are responsible for most costs associated with external advertising. Human Resources helps with some ads by automatically posting all requisitions open to the public to the following websites at no cost to the hiring department:, HigherEdMilitary,, and AZ Job Connection.

Occasionally, vendors such as Indeed and ZipRecruiter will scrape our site and posts our jobs on their websites. If you wish to modify or extend those ads, you must contact them directly. We do not have a paid subscription or contract with them.

List of Publications

The Advertising Resources database is continually updated. If you would like to have a link added, please email us the information. The advertising resources are listed in the following categories.


Academic Careers OnlineWeb OnlyAcademic, general website
AcademicKeys.comWeb OnlyProfessions Job Board & Resources
AERA.netWeb OnlyAmerican Educational Research Association website
American LibrariesPrint + WebAmerican Library Association journal
Association of Collegiate Schools of PlanningPrint + WebAssociation of Schools of Planning
Association for Institutional ResearchWeb OnlyHigher-Ed Centered Research Organization
CASE Jobs Online (Council for the Advancement and Support of Education)Web OnlyOrganization of higher ed fundraising/communications
Chronicle of Higher EducationPrint + WebJournal of higher education
Chronicle of PhilanthropyPrint + WebJournal of non-profit business & finance
Diverse OnlinePrint + WebDiversity Issues in Higher Education
HBCU Connect.comWeb OnlyWeb site connecting Historically Black Colleges & Universities
Hispanic Outlook in Higher EducationPrint + WebHispanic-oriented academic journal
HigherEdJobs.comWeb OnlyAcademic, general website. (HR has paid for the membership and can post positions for departments for FREE)
Inside Higher EdWeb OnlyHigher Education News & Resources
Journal of Extension National Job BankWeb OnlyJobs in Extension, Outreach, Research, and Higher Education
NACUFS (National Association of College & University Food Services)Web OnlyHigher-Ed Food Service Association
Post-Docs.comWeb OnlyResearch Associates/ post-doc positions
Science Societies Career CenterWeb OnlyJob postings for agronomic, crop, soil, and environmental sciences 
StudentAffairs.comWeb OnlyWeb site for Student Affairs Professionals
TedJob.comWeb OnlyHigher Education job posting website
Tribal College JournalPrint + WebJournal of American Indian Higher Education
UniversityJobs.comWeb OnlyAcademic, general website
Women in Higher EducationPrint + WebMonthly academic journal
Modern Language Association (MLA) Job ListPrint + WebElectronic database and printable PDF editions aimed at academics and professionals in humanities


AAEA Newsletter (American Agriculture & Economics Association)Print + WebAgricultural economics newsletter
AgriSeekWeb OnlyAgricultural marketplace and job board
American Veterinary Medical Association -- AVMA Veterinary Career CenterWeb OnlyOnline Veterinary Job Posting Site
Arizona City Independent/EditionPrint + WebBi-weekly Pinal County newspaper
Science Societies Career Center Web OnlyJob postings for agronomic, crop, soil, and environmental sciences 
Casa Grande DispatchPrint + WebDaily (Mon-Sat) Casa Grande newspaper Call 520-426-3814 or 520-836-2862
Coolidge ExaminerPrint + WebWeekly Pinal County newspaper
Eastern Arizona CourierPrint + WebSafford area weekly newspaper
Eloy EnterprisePrint + WebWeekly Pinal County newspaper (AgCareers)Web OnlyNational farm industry website
Florence ReminderPrint + WebWeekly Pinal County newspaper
Journal of Extension National Job BankWeb OnlyJobs in Extension, Outreach, Research, and Higher Education
Kingman Daily MinerPrint + WebKingman area daily
Science Societies Career CenterWeb OnlyJob postings for agronomic, crop, soil, and environmental sciences 
Tri-Valley Dispatch/TriValley Central.comPrint + WebPinal County's Information Source
(Willcox) Arizona Range NewsPrint + WebWillcox area weekly
Yuma Daily SunPrint + WebYuma area daily newspaper


American Alliance of MuseumsWebMuseum careers
ArtSEARCHPrint + WebTheatre & performing arts
College Art Association Career CenterPrint + WebCareer site for artists and art historians
College Music Society Music Vacancy List (MVL)Print + WebMonthly mailed/emailed job listing service
Dance MagazinePrint + WebMonthly Dance Journal
Music Library Association (MLA)Print + WebAssociation of Music Librarians & Researchers


AAEA Newsletter (American Agriculture & Economics Association)Print + WebAgricultural Economics newsletter
American Marketing AssociationPrint + WebAssociation of Marketing Professionals
American Planning AssociationPrint + WebProfessional association of community planners
American Society of Women AccountantsWeb OnlyWebsite
Arizona Society of Certified Public AccountantsWeb OnlyLocal Job Board for Accountants
Association of Fundraising ProfessionalsWeb OnlySite for Fundraising & Development Professionals
CareerJournal.comWeb OnlyOnline career site of the Wall Street Journal
Chronicle of PhilanthropyPrint + WebJournal of non-profit business & finance
CUPA-HR News (College and University Personnel Association)Print + WebCollege and University/HumanResources monthly
execSearches.comWeb OnlyExecutive-level & Nonprofit job board
HR News (SHRM/Society for HumanResources Management)Print + WebMonthly Human Resources journal
JOE--Job Openings for EconomistsPrint + WebEmployment newsletter for economics field
Law CrossingWeb OnlyFree On-line Legal Career Job Board
LawJobs.comWeb OnlyLegal Industry Job Board
Association Career Network Legal JobsWeb OnlyLegal Careers On-line Center
LinkedInWeb OnlyNational job search website
NACUBO Business OfficerPrint + WebMonthly Publication of the National Association of College and University Business Officers
NACUFS (National Association of College & University Food Services)Web OnlyHigher-Ed Food Service Association
NALPWeb OnlyAssociation for Legal Career Professionals
National Association of Black AccountantsWeb OnlyAssociation website with job listings
Philanthropy News DigestWeb OnlyFull-time job openings at tax-exempt organizations
Phoenix Business JournalPrint + WebPhoenix area business weekly
Tucson Advertising FederationWeb OnlyAdvertising industry organization


CareerBuilderWeb OnlyNational job search website 
computerjobs.comWeb OnlyNational high-tech job search website
ComputerWork.comWeb OnlyComputer/IT Job Board
DICEWeb OnlyComputer/IT Job Board
IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers)Web OnlyOrganization of electrical engineers
LinkedInWeb OnlyNational job search website
Monster BoardWeb OnlyWorld-wide job search website
Women in Technology InternationalWeb OnlyWebsite for women in tech fields
World Computer Society (IEEE Computer Society)Web OnlyPost jobs through IEEE Job Site



Affirmative Action RegisterPrint OnlyMonthly diversity-related newsletter
American Indians in Science and Engineering (AISES)Web OnlyAmerican Indian Science/Engineering society website
American Society of Women AccountantsWeb OnlyWebsite
Arizona InformantPrint + WebAfrican-American Weekly Newspaper
Association for Women in MathematicsPrint + WebWebsite (+newsletter)
Association for Women in SciencePrint + WebWebsite & quarterly magazine
Diverse OnlinePrint + WebDiversity Issues in Higher Education
HBCU Connect.comWeb OnlyWeb site connecting Historically Black Colleges & Universities
Hispanic Association of Colleges and UniversitiesWeb OnlyOur university is an HACU member
Hispanic Outlook in Higher EducationPrint + WebHispanic-oriented academic journal
iHispano.comWeb OnlyHispanic-targeted job search website
IMDiversity.comWeb OnlyDiversity-oriented job search website
Indian Country TodayPrint + WebNational Native American Newspaper
La Voz/TV y MasPrint + WebClasificados de empleos en espanol
Latinos in Higher EducationWebWebsite
National Association of Black AccountantsWeb OnlyAssociation website with job listings
National Association of Hispanic Nurses (Hispanic Health Care International)Web + Print Journal published 3 times a year
National Association of the DeafWeb OnlyNational website with resources for the deaf
National Black Nurses AssociationPrint + WebAssociation website with print media
National Society of Black EngineersPrint + WebNABE Magazine
Native American TimesPrint + WebNative American Newspaper & Website
Nativeamericanjobs.comWeb OnlyNative American job search website
Navajo TimesPrint + WebWeekly Navajo Nation newspaper
Philippine Nurses Association of AmericaWeb OnlyNo jobs but has links to recruiting sites.
Reforma OnlinePrint + WebALA Affiliate: Library & Information Services for Latino & Spanish-Speaking Communities
Society for Advancement of Chicano and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)Web OnlyWebsite for Hispanic professionals in science
Society of Hispanic Professional EngineersWeb OnlyWebsite for Hispanic professional engineers
Society of Women EngineersWeb OnlyWebsite for women engineers
Tribal College JournalPrint + WebJournal of American Indian Higher Education
Women in Higher EducationPrint + WebMonthly academic journal
Women in Technology InternationalWeb OnlyWebsite for women in tech fields


Arizona Daily StarPrint + WebTucson area daily
Arizona Daily SunPrint + WebFlagstaff area daily
Arizona Daily WildcatPrint + WebUniversity student newspaper
Arizona JobsWeb OnlyLocal Job Board
Arizona RepublicPrint + WebPhoenix area daily
CareerBuilderWeb OnlyNational job search website
College Sports Jobs—NCAA CareersWeb OnlySports jobs in college athletics.
Employment GuidePrint + WebWeekly employment tabloid/ job search website
IMDiversity.comWeb OnlyDiversity-oriented job search website
Journal of Extension National Job BankWeb OnlyJobs in Extension, Outreach, Research, and Higher Education
Jobing.comWeb OnlyLocal job search website
La Voz/TV y MasPrint + WebClasificados de empleos en espanol
LinkedInWeb OnlyNational job search website
ZipRecruiterWeb onlyJob Search and Career Development Website
Tucson Help WantedWeb onlyLocal job search website
Tucson WeeklyPrint + WebLocal weekly tabloid
UniversityJobs.comWeb OnlyAcademic, general website
University of Arizona 3D MemosPrint + WebBulletins are distributed to University personnel who request it

Free Publications

Association of Collegiate Schools of PlanningPrint + WebAssociation of Schools of Planning
Association for Institutional ResearchWeb OnlyHigher-Ed Centered Research Organization
BiologyJobs.comWeb OnlyLife sciences job search Web site
Higher Ed Jobs OnlineWeb OnlyHR has paid for the membership and can post positions for departments for FREE
Journal of Extension National Job BankWeb OnlyJobs in Extension, Outreach, Research, and Higher Education
Law CrossingWeb OnlyFree On-line Legal Career Job Board
Philanthropy News DigestWeb OnlyFull-time job openings at tax-exempt organizations


Academic MedicinePrint + WebMonthly medical journal
American Association of AnatomistsWeb OnlyMedical/Healthcare-related website
American Journal of GastroenterologyPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
American Journal of PhysiologyPrint + WebGroup of medical journals
American Journal of Public HealthPrint + WebMonthly public health journal
American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care MedicinePrint + WebJournal of the American Thoracic Society
American Journal of RoentgenologyPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
American Osteopathic Medical AssociationPrint + WebMedical/Healthcare-related website
AnesthesiologyPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
Anesthesia & AnalgesiaPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
Annals of Internal MedicinePrint + WebMedical journal: published 2 times/month
Archives of DermatologyPrint + WebMonthly AMA journal
ASHA Leader, The (American Speech-Hearing-Language Association)Print + WebBi-weekly science journal
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and PreventionPrint + WebMonthly journal of the AACR
Chronicle of Higher EducationPrint + WebJournal of higher education
Critical Care MedicinePrint + WebMonthly medical journal
DO Jobs OnlineWeb OnlyJobs in Osteopathic Medicine
The FASEB JournalPrint + WebMonthly biomedical and life sciences journal
GastroenterologyPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
Gastrointestinal EndoscopyWeb OnlyMedical website
Gastro.orgWeb OnlyWeb site of the American Gastroenterological Association
HFMA (Healthcare Financial Management Association)Print + WebMonthly journal (hfm) and website
JNCI Cancer SpectrumPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
Journal of the American Academy of DermatologyPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
Journal of the American Board of Family MedicinePrint + WebBi-monthly medical journal
Journal of the American College of CardiologyPrint + WebSite of the American College of Cardiology
Journal of the American Medical AssociationPrint + WebMedical journal
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical AssociationPrint + WebVeterinary Medicine Journal
Journal of Bone & Joint SurgeryPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
Journal of Clinical OncologyPrint + WebBi-weekly medical journal
Journal of ImmunologyPrint + WebMedical journal
Journal of Neuroscience/Society of NeurosciencePrint + WebPrint journal + online classifieds
Journal of PerinatologyPrint + WebMedical journal
Journal of RheumatologyPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
Journal of Surgical OncologyPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular SurgeryPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
Journal of TraumaPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
Journal of UrologyPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
Medical Library Associate NewsPrint + WebMedical Library Association
National Association of Hispanic Nurses (Hispanic Health Care International)Print + WebJournal published 3 times a year
National Black Nurses AssociationPrint + WebAssociation website with print media
Nation's HealthPrint + WebMonthly public health journal
NeurologyPrint + WebMonthly medical journal
New England Journal of MedicinePrint + WebWeekly medical journal
New York TimesPrint + WebDaily newspaper
Ophthalmology TimesPrint + WebOphthalmology Journal
Pediatric NewsPrint + WebBi-weekly medical newspaper
Philippine Nurses Association of AmericaWeb OnlyNo jobs but has links to recruiting sites.
Psychiatric NewsPrint + WebBi-weekly medical newspaper
ResearchGateWeb OnlyJob postings for Researchers & Scientist
The ScientistPrint + WebLife Sciences bi-weekly
Vision ResearchPrint + WebJournal for functional aspects of vision


Arizona Daily StarPrint + WebTucson area daily
Arizona Daily SunPrint + WebFlagstaff area daily
Arizona Daily WildcatPrint + WebUniversity student newspaper
Arizona InformantPrint + WebAfrican-American Weekly Newspaper
Arizona Newspapers AssociationPrint + WebAssociation of 82 local AZ newspapers
Arizona RepublicPrint + WebPhoenix area daily
Arizona Silver Belt/Apache MoccasinPrint + WebGlobe/San Carlos area weekly newspaper
Douglas DispatchPrint + WebCochise County newspaper (Tues.-Sat.)
Eastern Arizona CourierPrint + WebSafford area weekly newspaper
Gallup IndependentPrint + WebNW New Mexico/Navajo area daily
Green Valley News and SunPrint + WebGreen Valley/Santa Cruz Valley Daily
El ImparcialPrint + WebDaily Newspaper (in Spanish): Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
Kingman Daily MinerPrint + WebKingman area daily
Native American TimesPrint + WebNative American Newspaper & Website
Navajo TimesPrint + WebWeekly Navajo Nation newspaper
Nogales InternationalPrint + WebNogales area newspaper
Prescott Newspapers OnlinePrint + WebPrescott area daily
Sierra Vista HeraldPrint + WebSierra Vista area daily
Tucson WeeklyPrint + WebLocal weekly tabloid
Verde IndependentPrint + WebCottonwood area weekly
(Willcox) Arizona Range NewsPrint + WebWillcox area weekly
Yuma Daily SunPrint + WebYuma area daily newspaper


AERA.netWeb OnlyEducational Research Association website
American Institute of PhysicsWeb OnlyAmerican Institute of Physics
American Anthropological AssociationPrint + WebMonthly science journal & newsletter
American Astronomical SocietyPrint + WebFeatures the AAS Job Register
American Psychological SocietyPrint + WebMonthly journal of the American Psychological Society
American Veterinary Medical Association -- AVMA Veterinary Career CenterWeb OnlyOnline Veterinary Job Posting Site
American Statistical Association (ASA Job Web)Web Onlyaka "AMSTAT"
APA Monitor (Monitor on Psychology)Print + WebMonthly journal of the American Psychological Association
ASHA Leader, The (American Speech-Hearing-Language Association)Print + WebBi-weekly science journal
Bio-jobs.comWeb OnlyBio-tech job search website
BiologyJobs.comWeb OnlyLife sciences job search Web site
Chemical and Engineering NewsPrint + WebScience weekly

College and Research Libraries News (C & RL News)  Council on Undergraduate Research


Print + Web

Web Only

Association of College & Research Libraries

Activate membership to post a job. Learn more here,

Environmental Science and TechnologyPrint + WebEnvironmental Science Journal
Eos--American Geophysical UnionPrint + WebGeoscience weekly
FASEB Career Center JobsWeb OnlyOnline job listings (also see FASEB Journal)
The FASEB JournalPrint + WebMonthly biomedical and life sciences journal
Genetic Engineering NewsPrint + WebBiotech journal and website
GeotimesPrint + WebMonthly journal of the American Geological Institute
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical AssociationPrint + WebVeterinary Medicine Journal
Journal of Neuroscience/Society of NeurosciencePrint + WebPrint journal + online classifieds
optics.orgWeb OnlyOptics and photonics website
PapersInvitedWeb OnlyWebsite for scientists and researchers
Physics TodayPrint + WebMonthly journal of the American Institute of Physics
Physics WorldPrint + WebMonthly physics journal
Post-Docs.comWeb OnlyResearch Associates/ Post-Doc positions
Reforma OnlinePrint + WebALA Affiliate: Library & Information Services for Latino & Spanish-Speaking Communities
ResearchGateWeb OnlyJob postings for Researchers & Scientist
SciencePrint + WebScience weekly
Science Societies Career CenterWeb OnlyJob postings for agronomic, crop, soil, and environmental sciences 
The ScientistPrint + WebLife sciences bi-weekly
TopResearchJobs.comWeb OnlyResearch-oriented higher-ed job board


American Anthropological AssociationPrint + WebMonthly science journal & newsletter
American Astronomical SocietyPrint + WebMonthly journal; features the AAS Job Register
American Indians in Science and Engineering (AISES)Web OnlyAmerican Indian Science/Engineering society website
American Institute of PhysicsWeb OnlyAmerican Institute of Physics
American Planning AssociationPrint + WebProfessional association of community planners
American Psychological SocietyPrint + WebMonthly journal of the American Psychological Society
APA Monitor (Monitor on Psychology)Print + WebMonthly journal of the American Psychological Association
Association for Women in MathematicsPrint + WebWebsite (+newsletter)
Association for Women in SciencePrint + WebWebsite & quarterly magazine
Association of American GeographersPrint + Web"Jobs in Geography" in monthly newsletter
Bio-jobs.comWeb OnlyBio-tech job search website
BiologyJobs.comWeb OnlyLife sciences job search Web site
Cern CourierPrint + WebInternational Particle Physics journal
Chemical and Engineering NewsPrint + WebScience weekly
Engineering CentralWeb OnlyEngineer-targeted job search website
Environmental Science and TechnologyPrint + WebEnvironmental Science Journal
Eos--American Geophysical UnionPrint + WebGeoscience weekly
FASEB Career Center JobsWeb OnlyOnline job listings (also see FASEB Journal)
The FASEB JournalPrint + WebMonthly biomedical and life sciences journal
GeotimesPrint + WebMonthly journal of the American Geological Institute
Genetic Engineering NewsPrint + WebBiotech journal and website
IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers)Web OnlyOrganization of electrical engineers
Journal of Neuroscience/Society of NeurosciencePrint + WebPrint journal + online classifieds
National Society of Black EngineersPrint + WebNABE Magazine
NaturePrint + WebWeekly science publication
Optics.orgPrint + WebOptics and photonics website
PapersInvitedWeb OnlyWebsite for scientists and researchers
Physics TodayPrint + WebMonthly journal of the American Institute of Physics
PhysicsWorldPrint + WebMonthly physics journal
SciencePrint + WebScience weekly
Science Societies Career CenterWeb OnlyJob postings for agronomic, crop, soil, and environmental sciences 
The ScientistPrint + WebLife sciences bi-weekly
Society for Advancement of Chicano and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)Web OnlyWebsite for Hispanic professionals in science
Society of Hispanic Professional EngineersWeb OnlyWebsite for Hispanic professional engineers
Society of Women EngineersWeb OnlyWebsite for women engineers
WORKinOPTICS.comWeb OnlyJob search website of the Optics Society of America


Academic Careers OnlineWeb OnlyAcademic, general website
CareerBuilderWeb OnlyNational job search website 
Career ExchangeWeb OnlyCanadian & US job search website
CareerJournal.comWeb OnlyOnline career site of the Wall Street Journal
execSearches.comWeb OnlyExecutive-level & Nonprofit job board
FASEB Career Center JobsWeb OnlyOnline job listings (also see FASEB Journal)
hotjobs.comWeb OnlyJob search website
IMDiversity.comWeb OnlyDiversity-oriented job search website
Inside Higher EdWeb OnlyHigher Education News & Resources
Jobing.comWeb OnlyLocal job search website
Journal of Extension National Job BankWeb OnlyJobs in Extension, Outreach, Research, and Higher Education
LinkedInWeb OnlyNational job search website
Monster BoardWeb OnlyWorld-wide job search website
Nation Jobs, Inc.Web OnlyNational job search website
Nativeamericanjobs.comWeb OnlyNative American job search website
Post-Docs.comWeb OnlyResearch associates/post-doc positions
ZipRecruiterWeb OnlyJob Search and Career Development Website
Tucson Help WantedWeb OnlyLocal job search website
UniversityJobs.comWeb OnlyAcademic/general website
World Computer Society (IEEE Computer Society)Web OnlyPost jobs through IEEE Job Site