
FourSight Banner Ready to Unlock team collaboration?

Reveal your team’s superpowers and blind spots.

With the FourSight assessment and workshop, you and your team will gain a deeper understanding of your individual thinking and communication styles and how you can leverage that information to best contribute to your group’s success.



Illustration of 4 people with speech bubbles with scribbles



Sample Results for Wilma Wildcat

Make your team stronger with FourSight.

FourSight is a collaborative problem-solving system that helps people see their differences through a whole new lens. 

Book a workshop today to help your team:

  • Reveal it's strengths
  • Boost creativity and innovation
  • Enhance communication skills
  • Collaborate more strongly
  • Approach challenges differently
  • Create sustainable, effective results

Interested in Wilma's results featured above? Learn more about the FourSight Thinking Profiles

How It Works

Each person on your team completes a brief individual assessment online.

Our facilitators analyze your results and create tailored materials to meet your needs.

Learn about your team's communication and working styles in a customized workshop.

Ready To Get Started?

Fill out this form

Questions & Support

Workshop Logistics

Reach out to schedule FourSight at least 4 weeks before your preferred meeting date. 

FourSight can be held either on zoom or in-person, but not in a hybrid format.

FourSight Basics

Cost: $43 per person for the assessment. There is no charge for the facilitated workshop.

Minimum participants: You must have at least 8 people participating to schedule a workshop.

Course Materials

Lost your FourSight Guide Book? You can download another one here.

Want additional FourSight content?
Read their blog!